Thursday, December 11, 2008

Finally Pictures!

So our kitchen project is finally done, it's been about 2 weeks now without painters or contractors in the house. Everything is put back together and we have our Christmas stuff up. Here are some shocking pictures... okay, FIRST here is a pic of we first moved in to this house 5 years ago (you can see how horrendous it was!!) All that 'crap' in the photo belongs to the old owner, the pic was taken during a walk through.

We immediately went to work changing all the old appliances (fridge, oven, dishwasher, sink, overhead microwave), we changed all the lighting then we painted it. And then it looked like THIS:

Over time hubby grew to hate the nasty color we'd painted it and I grew to hate the nasty cabinets, so we changed it to THIS:

Now, I walk into my house and LOVE it!! I feel like I'm walking into a new home everytime! After the new year our plan is to get new counter tops, because these look worse then ever next to our glorious new cabinets, LOL!


Anne said...

Wow! Those look great! I am so excited for you guys!!! Kitchen's are so important! I LOVE it! YEAH! What a great Christmas gift!

Tami said...

I didn't even recognize you in the first photo. I had to blow up the picture to see who it was. Looks like you have been busy and having fun.

Em said...

I'm totally jealous. What a pretty and spacious kitchen.

danielle said...

How pretty! Did you replace the cabinets, or did you paint them? If you painted them, can you email me? I'm thinking about painting ours! dtverdal {at} hotmail {dot} com


Danielle (dtverdal from BBC)

Sharlene said...

Love your cabinets!! Well, I am going to stop making comments now. Baby calls...and my TV show is on. You are my hero at blogging!