Monday, March 16, 2009

Free Range Kids

Okay, I'm an instant fan. I like to think I parent like this to an extent anyway, but now with a name/label to it, I can find more information about it! Do you remember last year all the media frenzy about the New York mother who let her 9 year old ride the subway by himself? She was deemed the worst mother in America. Well, her parenting philosophy is one I wholeheartedly agree with. She's now writing a book about it, appropriately named Free Range Kids. She has a blog about it as well.Just copy and paste, it's worth it!

Anyway, you can read the introduction to her book on there, and it's really good! It's one I'll probably read several times. Leave comments... I'm curious what other parents think of the concept. As it is now, I think I'm the only parent I know who lets their 7 and 3 year old wander the neighborhood. I like the idea of having a 'free range kid', HA!

1 comment:

Em said...

Oh my God, that was great! Patrick and I feel the same way - Patrick even more so than me. I have to admit that I'm still kind of a fraidy cat with my boys and, considering Jack tried rock climbing at 7-months of age, we may not let him out of the house on his own until he's 18, but in all seriousness, I am constantly amazed at how uptight most parents are about their kids. I'm not sure the 70's childhood is the perfect model, but there has to be some kind of a happy medium. Thanks for posting this.