Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patricks Day

The kids woke up to a yummy breakfast of green shamrock shaped pancakes, with green fried eggs and ham. I also made them green milkshakes. We listened to Irish music and danced Irish dances, and later we will be making Irish Soda bread to eat with our Corned beef dinner. I'm such a good mom!!!!
Oh wait, that was a day in the life of my parallel universe self. Oh yeah, that's right, for breakfast I poured my children bowls of cereal with milk I dyed green (looked nasty, but the kids liked it). And we have a normal day planned today, if we are lucky and have time I printed off a few St. Patrick's Day worksheets to do for fun.
I WISH we were having corned beef for dinner, I love that stuff. But alas, hubby is out of town, so we will most likely have mac and cheese (although I could dye that green... yuck, maybe not!)
Anyway, St. Patricks Day! Hopefully most of you are having a more fun day then we are, LOL! Hey, at least the kids dressed themselves in green today...


Anonymous said...

Ha-ha-ha, you danced an Irish jig?? That was funny. Love you, Mom. PS, your new dress is smokin'!!

Em said...

I STILL feel like a reject Mom. I didn't think of doing anything cool like putting green food coloring in my kid's cereal. How fun.

Tami said...

I wanted to make corned beef, but didn't remember until St. Patty's morning and it was too late!