So, I had my six month dental check up recently and had to fill a few cavaties. Bummer.
I've had cavaties filled before... no big deal right? Well, it had been several years and apparently in my old age (HA!), my teeth are getting harder to numb.
I went in for one appt. last week and they did one side of my mouth, some on the top, one on the bottom. The top was fine, it numbed right up. But my bottom teeth just weren't getting numbed. The dentist did more shots... still nothing. She finally did a third shot (and when I say 'shot' I mean she jabbed my jaw multiple times and multiple places, OUCH!). Finally everything was good and numb. When she started drilling though, I instanlty flinched because it I could still feel it! My face was so numb though, it was going up to my eye sockets, so I just told her to go ahead and do it! It hurt! I got through it by deep breathing. After all the numbing wore off I was SO dang sore from all the shots in my jaw bone.
Fast forward to yesterday... I had the OTHER side of my mouth done! I only had one cavity on this side, but it was on the bottom, so I was scared! I kept rescheduling because I was afraid. I finally went in yesterday. And it was worse then it was the first time.
She tried the normal shots... nothing. she tried two more times. And the third time she was super aggresive and jabbed me ALL over in the back, she even stuck my in the roof my my mouth (??? not sure why). Anyway. I was numb again ALL over my face, but not my teeth!
I told her once again, to just go ahead and just get it over with.
This hurt WAY worse then the last one! It felt like lightening had struck my skull. I was flinching and jumping though the whole thing. I instantly got hot and flushed, my face went bright red. Those clear goggles they gave me to wear fogged up because of the heat coming from my face. I was doing okay (despite flinching the entire time in pain...) until she stopped for a min to ask if I was okay. Then I started to CRY! Not total sobbing, but my eyes filled with tears and I was obviously crying. HOW ENBARRASING! I couldnt stop. I told her to hurry and finish. She tried to tell me that while the cavity doesn't touch the nerve, it's very close and the nerve was inflamed. Super.
So, not only was the entire left side of my face 100% numb but I could ALSO feel every single thing she was doing. It was the worst dental visit I've ever had in my life. And after the numbness wore off, I again am in agony from all the shots she gave me all over my jaw bone and I can feel the one she did on the roof of my mouth..
I'f you'll excuse me, I'm off to floss and brush for the 4th time today... I'm never getting another cavity. Ever.