Wednesday, April 22, 2009


It's true... I have lost a faithful friend, a constant in my daily life for the past 7 years! It's been several days now, and you can literally just LOOK at me and see how this death has effected me... because I look like CRAP! Yes, my FLAT IRON has bit the dust! No warning, no goodbyes, it just refused to come back back to life one morning. It was the best flat iron I've ever seen (I should know, I WAS a hairdresser!). My mom bought it for me way back when I used to work at the salon. It was over 100 dollars, but worth every penny! If you are ever considering a flat iron, get the CHI brand!
For the past few days, I've just only been able to blowdry me hair. Which is good and all... except because I bleach my hair out, it is extremely damaged and fryed. But I hide that fact by using my trusty flat iron every morning after I blowdry. It turns my Brillo pad hair into spun silky gold! But I can't hide it now! I've had poofy, overprocessed, nasty hair this week. I've been doing more ponytails and wearing more hats. I need to go find another CHI somewhere...

1 comment:

Sharlene said...

I am so sorry about your CHI. A CHI is the only flat iron that works on my hair. I got mine at Bubbles.
Ya, they are not cheap. I will go into mourning when mine dies.