Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year

With the new year here, I find myself doing a few new things. Although, I hesitate to call them resolutions because nobody ever keeps those! What I am doing are simply 'little things I'm trying to do differently' :)
One being that I joined the gym again. I used to be diligent and went 5 days a week. I loved it but after 2 years I got burned out... and took a 12 month break from the gym! I've been getting restless lately and feeling frumpy and 'mom'ish. I kept threatening to join again... Finally, I think Eric got sick of me talking about it and convinced me to join so I would shut up about it.
It was like visiting an old friend when I stepped in that first morning. I occupied my old locker and showered in my old shower stall. There were a few people there I recognized. It was great. This is the little change in my life I needed!
As I was driving home in my toasty warm car (it was 20 degrees this morning!), I passed several die hards out jogging on the street, SUCKERS! I love the gym.

The other tiny change I'm making this year is to save more money! I like to spend money, in fact I crave it sometimes. Weird I know but I crave shopping like some people crave chocolate. I am funneling every spare penny I have right now into savings. SO far so good. One paycheck down... 23 more to go this year, LOL!

I have a few other things I'm working on but they aren't worth mentioning. Take care!


Bell said...

Godo job! I need to get back to the gym, too - I feel great when I go. Your comment about the joggers made me snort! ha!

Anonymous said...

If she had been honest, she'd have said that today was her first day... wtg babe.

- Eric

Anne said...

You go super MOM! We are just trying to survive our move!!! See ya in July! xoxo