Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Party

The girls had their Valentines Day party yesterday. Pinky made foam heart valentines, you can't tell from the picture, but she was very methodical in her sticker arranging!

Belle made marshmallow valentines. Yes, they LOOK cute... but like I've said before... I don't have a crafty bone in my body, everything I do is a copycat of something I see on the Internet. So, I can't take credit for how cute these are!
Mixing the chocolate...

Marshmallows on a stick...

Belle decorating the little bags...

Marshmallows after being dipped in chocolate and sprinkles.

Put it all together, and this is a marshmallow valentine!

Here's a pic of some of the kids at the party making bracelets for the moms! Now I have two new bead bracelets!

They did alot more... but I forgot to take pictures! You'll have to take my word for it.

have a good day!


Anne said...

Oh...those treats you made are darling. Love the idea! Cute, cute! How was your b-day?

Em said...

Those are so CUTE! But I want to see a picture of you, Mom. : ) Next time please. A very happy late birthday to you. I'm sending something home with your Mom.

ennbenn said...

Cute Valentines! I get most of my ideas from the net, so don't worry! I teel you, there are some great ones out there!

gramps said...

All my love to the two little valentines who stole my heart