Sunday, December 28, 2008

The aftermath!

Christmas was of course super fun! I feel like this year was better then previous years. We really made an effort this year not to just buy crap for the sake of having stuff to open and that will get thrown away in a month. So, everything this year was good quality stuff that hopefully will be around awhile. We were surrounded by family all day. On Christmas Eve night we spent it at the inlaws. My father in law reads the Christmas story every year and the kids act it out with one of the many nativity sets around their home. They love that! Then, I prepared Christmas breakfast at my place and everyone came over in the morning. Then we had Christmas dinner at my moms place. It was all so good, Mmmm... two days of yummy food!!
Here are a few pictures:
Here is Belle opening a game.

Here is Pinky trying on her dinosaur towel (she LOVES dinosaurs... she prefers them to dolls!)

Here is Pinky and I

Here is daddy and Belle

Now that it's over though, I'm ready to take down all the decorations and have a normal house again. Close out Christmas 2008... goodbye, you were good to us this year!!!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Looks like a good Christmas! We also tried hard not to buy a bunch of junk, but somehow it just snuck it's way in. Christmas food is the best!