Monday, February 1, 2010


Today my little Elle got baptized! It was really neat! We wanted it short, sweet and simple! We asked that it not be announced in church because we didn't want alot of people we hardly know to show up! This is not a free for all! We invited a very small number of close friends. And the way we did it was a little unorthodox.... but we didn't care, it was just right for our family! Here are a few pictures! Eric looked smoking' hot in that high waisted jumpsuit!

And here is the cake we had made for it. My good friend Katie makes cakes and I asked her to make a girly CTR cake, it turned out fantastic and was a big hit!

A good time was had by all and afterwards we went to dinner with the grandparents. Elle picked the restaurant, she picked IHOP. The food was awful and the waitress sucked! But at least we were in good company with each other!

It's so strange to me that I am the mother of an eight year old. And having my child get baptized was something I always thought was years away. It's really mind boggling that my daughter is 8 and my husband just baptized her tonight. On her next birthday she'll be 9... that's almost TEN... that's almost a teenager! OH MY GOSH! My daughter is almost a teenager! Good grief, I need to calm down...


Bell said...

Beautiful girls, cute cake, and a hot husband! What more can you ask for? :)

Em said...

Wish we could have been there with your pretty, pretty girls. Way to go Elle! I can't believe your friend made that cake - it's gorgeous! I made Jack a really sad looking train cake for his birthday one year and then dropped half of the train cars in the parking lot at his party, ha!

Unknown said...

It was a beautiful baptism. You guys did a great job! Love you!

Anne said...

Ahhhh. Wish we could have been there. Looks so fun. I love the cake. How pretty...Love the little girl more! Congrats Elle!!! xoxo Anne

Tami said...

I heard you guys had a great time. Elle looks so happy. We had something for her, but of course my husband forgot it.