Thursday, August 12, 2010

Five Years Ago!

So, Naomi is 5 years old now! If had any doubt before about her being a 'baby', I surely don't now! She is officially NOT a baby anymore and in two short weeks will be in full day Kindergarten. I could cry.
I looked back through her life in pictures and have posted a few of each of her birthdays up through today!

Here I am hugely pregnant with her! Elle is three years old in this picture.

Awwww, newborn Naomi!

How did my little blondie ever have jet black hair??

Her first birthday!

Birthday number TWO!

Third birthday at the beach!

Fourth birthday (first haircut)

Here she is today!

1 comment:

sheri said...

Is her bday August 12th? Because my daughter (Kelly) just turned 5 on August 12th, too! *sniff*