Friday, January 23, 2009


Belle turned 7 this week! We had a girly pink party and our home was filled with little girls all day Saturday! For activities I set up two stations, and the girls rotated between them. The first was a shirt painting station. I got pink shirts from target. I bought a big hole punch in the shape of hearts and flowers, and punched them into freezer paper, which I then ironed the freezer paper onto the shirts, so the kids had a stencil. When the paint dried I peeled off the paper! For painbrushes I got makeup applicators instead! They loved that!

The next station was for pedicures! I bought all manner of pink nail polish. Each kid got their own pink pedi set (again bought at Target). So they paired up and did foot messages, filing, painting... all that good stuff!

And they got to keep their pink nail kits (and the pink shirts they made) AND Target had Valentines Day socks on sale for a buck as well... so I got each kid some pink socks. It was unique and fun.

For refreshments there was an open bar.......A CANDY BAR!

It was all super fun and the kids loved it... but this was my first and LAST time doing a party at my house. It was way too stressful, and I spend the whole next day cleaning. So, it took up my whole weekend. Plus, after all was said and done, it wasn't any cheaper then outsourcing the whole thing. In fact, I think it might have been a little bit more! But it was a success! (a success I will not be repeating!)


Anne said...

Happy Bithday CUTE girl! Wish Rachel could have been there! Looks like a ton of work Ryann. Good thing you have lots of pictures to show what an awesome job you did. Looks like it was over the top fun. I agree with the home party is sooooo much work. Especially when you can't do things outside! Way to go...and congrats on the new car. Sounds awesome.

Tami said...

Looks like a fun party! I love seeing pics of old friends (and so does Carol). I'm with you on the whole party at my house thing. I spent way too much on Carol's party and it was a big stress. A lot of fun, but not sure it will happen again (I say this every year, and every year I forget).