Thursday, January 29, 2009

Worst mom ever!!!

Wow, I feel so bad! Yesterday it was icy all over from the snow the day before. I was driving around with the girls and I has successfully gotten all the snow off my car... except for a giant sheet of ice on the roof. It slid around as I drove and it was making me nuts. I decided to brake really hard so it would fly off the car.
I was on our residensial street where the speed limit is 25! I had also buckled the kids in myself before we left! So, I knew they were safe and I said "Okay you guys, hold on!" as I braked a little harder then normal. usually they like when I do that!

Well, all the sudden Pinky was launched forward, smashes her face and starts to scream. It doesn't help that Belle is going "MOMMY, YOU HURT HER" "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" I guess at some point Pinky had decided to take off her seatbelt!

Well, I pulled over and had her climb up front with me so I could survey the damage. There was blood dripping from somewhere... never a good sign! When we got home I checked her out and she had bitten down really hard and sliced both sides of her tounge in several spots. The middle of her tounge is also purple and bruised! I felt awful!!
She had tea for dinner that night, it was soothing I think on her mouth. She drank an entire mug of it in 3 minutes! Today she seems to be doing fine! But it still looks bad! Here's a pic I took of it this afternoon.


Anne said...

Poor little thing! Glad to hear she is doing better... :)

ennbenn said...

Oh! Poor Girl! I hope she feels better soon.

Tami said...

Good think mouths heal so quickly.

Em said...

Oh my gosh, how scary! Poor little boo. That sounds just like something Jack would do. I swear Pinkie and Jack are such kindred spirits.