Monday, January 5, 2009

Daily grind and good news!!!!!!!!!!!

It's back to work! The holidays are over and cleaned up. School started back up today. We had about 2 weeks off and both Belle and Pinky were anxious to get started again today. Belle is in the school room going over a review math worksheet. Pinky is putting stickers all over her 'worksheet'. Hubby had to go out of town today so it's the first day I haven't had a car! it's weird and I don't like it, LOL! I think knowing that I can't go anywhere today is making me want to go out! I feel like running to the mall or the library or something... anything! Luckily from here on out, unless hubby is out of town, I'll just drive him to work and take the car. We're lucky in that he works only about 5 minutes from the house.

Our car is still at the shop, the insurance adjuster we have assigned to us doesn't believe the estimate from the body shop, and is sending another assessment adjuster to look at it again to double check the body shops estimated price. It will be a few more days before we know anything else. We don't want to car shop until we know for sure it's totaled. And on the other hand if they can fix it all, then I'd like them to as soon as possible because I like my car and would love to have it back!

On a lighter note, we FINALLY AFTER TWO YEARS got our clearance to get sealed in the temple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been a long and painful process but we did it!! Since it's the middle of winter, we're thinking of doing it around Cherry Blossom time. Plus that gives people time to plan on coming out if they are able. The more the merrier... hint hint!!!!!!! While we're not going to do a 'wedding' per se, we ARE going to have a big party after, just for fun (no gifts or anything... just fun). And I'm going to rent a wedding dress so we can get wedding photos taken, because we don't have any!! YAY, I'm so excited!!!


Missy said...

A blog stalker, I "know" you from babycenter. CONGRATULATIONS!!! on the sealing. How exciting is that. DH are not sealed and I hope that we can make a few more steps to be sealed sometime this year or so.

Sarah said...

Congrats Ry, that's awesome.

Tami said...

How cool is that!! Sounds pretty exciting. I hope you have fun dress shopping and throwing a big party. Congratulations!

Anne said...

Yeah! You will have to let us know the for sure date, once you know. xoxo

Em said...

When is Cherry Blossom time, lovie? I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations.

The cool family! said...

Cherry Blossom time is in the Spring. There's about a three week period when it is SO pretty and all the blossoms are out in full bloom. It's in April I belive. End of April, begining of May. We have 'Cherry blossom festivals' out here during that whole time.