Monday, October 19, 2009

Well that does it...

I'm fuming now... as any mother would be! Elle's tics are getting really bad! To the point where her neck is sore from flinging it around and her nose is raw from other tics she does surrounding that, etc... I'd even say it's about as bad right now as it's ever been. (I'll be taking her in to the neurologist again). But at school today, or rather on the bus, she told me that she was sitting there on the way home and she was doing some tics (where one of them involves rubbing her nose really hard and sniffing) and some bratty girl yells really loud "Ewww, she's picking her nose!" Elle said all the kids around her started backing away from her going "Ewww she's so gross!!"
When she told me that I looked at her and she was crying, she said it hurt her feeling. I just held her for a minute while she got all the crying out. GOD, I'M SO PISSED!! What a brat! I was literally seeing red and wanted to go beat up on this little kid (probably NOT a wise move). But Elle is SO tender hearted and sensitive, it just makes me so mad that other kids are starting to make fun of her. I want to put her in a bubble!


Anonymous said...

You owe me $20 for this post.
- Eric

The cool family! said...

HA, your right... although, I LET you off several times yesterday! That's hardly fair!

Anne said...

rPoor little thing! Kids can be so harsh! and why do you owe Eric $20??? Ha ha....

The cool family! said...

We are trying to stop swearing. Everytime we catch each other doing it, we owe the other one 20 bucks... we swear too much in front of the kids!

Unknown said...

Poor Elle, it breaks my heart too. I noticed it was really bad on Sunday at the movie. I hope the neurologist has some good things to say about it. Be sure and keep us posted. She is such a sweetie.

Love Mom

Em said...

Forget you, I'm coming out there to kick that kid's A$$. Kids can be mean, little stinkers. Tell Elle next time to calmly tell a kid like that that she has a nervous tic that she will probably grow out of, but that little kid will be mean forever.

Okay, maybe not, just tell her to stick with her real friends and ignore the turds of the world. And yes, you better use the word turd. Tell her auntie Em said it.

Bell said...

There was a kid who was mean to you when you were about Elle's age, Ryann (I don't know if you remember it), and I went over to *talk* to them - I would have owed you about $120 by the time I was done...

And Em is right.