Sunday, November 2, 2008

Exciting Saturday

My grandparents flew out from Utah and another aunt flew out from Colorado this week to be with my mom because she got her endowments out this weekend! It was really exciting and has long been anticipated! I was her escort through it which was fun for me! The proccess started early morning and went into early afternoon, then we went to lunch with all the family after. It was nice to visit with everyone. I hadn't seen my grandparents in three years. We only saw them the one day, they had obligations at home and had to fly back early the next day. But even one day, I'll take it! I wish we lived closer to family! I guess it will be a good excuse to fly out that way soon.
So, now that my mom is endowed she can be MY escort when hubby and I get sealed. Whenever that will be! It's one glitch after another!

1 comment:

Em said...

Woo-hoo! Go Zod! Thank you for posting this Ryann, otherwise we would never have known. I'm so glad that your grandparents came out for this. I know it must have meant so much to your Mom to have them there. And I KNOW she will be excited to be able to be your escort when you and Eric get sealed.