Monday, October 19, 2009


Camping on Friday night was awesome! Despite the freezing temps and the rain, we got a cozy fire going and had a great dinner! We then huddled in our tent with a tent heater and stayed snugly warm all night until morning, when I got up and made a great breakfast!

All of that is true, except the part where we slept all night... around 10:45 Eric woke me up because the tent was leaking... we decided to abandon ship and take the kids home. We left everything there and went back in the morning around 6:30 to pack up. When we arrived back at the site in the morning, the tent was collapsed over onto itself and the sleeping bags were filled with water. Eric estimated there was probably 50 gallons of water in the tent! Good thing we didn't stay all night!! We spent alot of the next day drying stuff out and tossing stuff in the dryer!

It WOULD have been fine if our tent had been waterproof or if the waterproof panel had done it's job! Oh well, we all lived and it was a cool experience!
I wish I had a picture of the tent fallen over on itself, that was pretty funny, Eric and I saw that and just started laughing!

1 comment:

Em said...

Ah-ha-ha! Too funny. I would never have been brave enough to go camping in freezing rain in the first place.