Saturday, April 3, 2010

Daddy daughter date night

Elle's been interested in our guns since we got them. We obviously don't let her play with them and they are kept locked up. Recently though, Eric has started teaching Elle gun safety, gearing up to take her shooting one of these days. Well, that day was yesterday. We have some family in town so Eric took Elle shooting with his brother in law and Ells cousin Tyler. Elle was completely excited and almost couldn't contain herself!

When they arrived home, Elle seemed even more hyper then when they left. I think it was the adrenaline rush you get from shooting. She told me she loved it and I heard all the details. I was curious if she would still like them after shooting them, but Elle loves them even more now! She is definitely our daughter! She shot the XD9, Sig 226, and the AK-47. She shot the ceiling a few times (ooops, the rangers don't like that, LOL!), but overall had a great first experience!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She looks so cute! I hope she enjoyed it. I shot the ceiling too when I went shooting, so I hope she doesn't feel too bad! Those guns have a lot of kickback!

Love you! Mom