Monday, April 12, 2010

Never before and never again

I am about to do something so crazy, your mind might not even be able to comprehend what I'm about to tell you. I'm going to let you in on a shameful secret I recently discovered I had. I say shameful because, well, I'm ashamed of it. Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to keep my stupid mouth shut but I can't deny the awesomeness (I mean embarrassment) of what I am about to say. This really goes against all that I am, all that I encompass. Or at least what I thought I encompassed. Really it’s done nothing but make me second guess views on life as I previously perceived them… not really, but it is making me question my loyalties. You’ll see what I mean.

Anyone who knows me knows what a brand name snob I am. I would rather spend more money to get something with more prestige then spend less and get a bargain/ generic brand. I pride myself on having my children and myself look great at all times. Frankly, I should be more embarrassed admitting that but I’m not.

Hey, I like a deal as much as the next person and get pretty excited when I see an expensive item on massive sale. That’s an even bigger score to me then paying retail. I said I liked expensive things, I didn’t say I liked paying for them! In fact, some of my most favorite items were purchased from thrift stores. I love finding that one (or two) incredible deal at second hand shops. So, as you can plainly see, my issue isn’t with brand new vs. used, it’s with brand name vs. generic.

Because of the way I am, there are a few stores I refuse to shop in. Namely Wal Mart. Even my kids know I will NOT go into a Wal Mart to save my life. I can’t speak for them all but the one by my house looks as it hasn’t been updated in 20 years. I’m almost scared to drive in front of it, for fear I might run over some woman and her 10 children trailing behind her, or be accosted in the parking lot by a homeless man wanting a few bucks. Why on earth anyone would beg for money outside a Wal Mart is beyond me but whatever.

I was gifted a few Wal Mart gift cards recently and seeing as how I’m not one to turn away a gift card, I was very grateful and accepted it. Not knowing it would change my LIFE! My first attempt at patronizing the Wal Mart was futile; I just couldn’t get out of the car. I gave myself a pat on the back for effort and decided to brave it again the next day.

The next day proved easier and I walked in to what is now my favorite place to grocery shop! Turns out the inside isn’t so run down after all, it’s pretty decent. The best were the aisles and aisles of food. Most of it brand name and ALL of it incredibly cheap. I loaded up my cart with the normalcy’s I usually buy as well as a few treats for the kids I usually don’t buy. My total was less than 100 dollars. After food shopping I waltzed over to other aisles and was equally impressed with the selection of home goods, arts and crafts, bedding, beauty products… I could go on. Everything I could ever want in one store.

I loved it so much I have been back three times since then, including this morning. Each time I dress extra nice in order to distinguish myself above the typical Wal Mart shopper, which I clearly am not... Cleary. I haven’t told anyone about my secret love affair with Wally World for fear of well, I don’t quite know, rejection, judgment, shock, disbelief? Maybe writing it out first will make it easier to vocalize later, after all, acceptance is the first step to recovery.

While I still haven’t (and if I can help it, never will) bought clothes at Wal Mart, they have a plethora of other things worth buying and worth going in for. So there it is, I’ve divulged my dirty secret. Now that you know, you must never speak of this again. I will deny it if ever brought up in company and look at you like you are crazy for even thinking I could possibly like shopping there. There will be no further evidence of this confession. This post will self destruct in 10 seconds…


Joyce said...

Yup, You should have kept that one to yourslef! You might as well your pajams when you go like everyone else.

Bell said...

NO! THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME! I refused to shop there, until one year, at Christmas, we were really, really broke butI really wanted to be able to get Steve something anyway. So I did the same thing - I slunk into a Walmart - and I was SHOCKED! We shop there all of the time! They actually have a really cute line of home stuff through Better Homes and Gardens. We get all of our Christmas decorations there, and we are there practically every weekend picking up paper towels and shampoo or razers and allergy pills. Embarrassing? Yes, somewhat. Awesome? Yes! :) I love me the WalMart!

Bell said...

Oh, and when I could get groceries there (in OR, they don't have many Super Walmarts in CA), they were the real, normal brands - and we saved over 30% off of our grocery bill EVERY week. Boo-ya!

Chris said...

Geez David Copperfield, I stopped reading after the first sentence, no pictures even. -Chris (above was Joyce)

Chris said...

Thought you'd like this:

Unknown said...

I told you they upgraded and it wasn't so bad, but as always you have to see for yourself and won't take your mothers word for anything. And, bambino, what's up with Maxwell?

Love, Mom

Em said...

Ah-ha-ha! We don't have many WalMarts here, but I do visit the one up by Patrick's dad's farm every year. I bought the boys these really great, super warm sweatshirts there for super cheap. They're the boys' favorite jackets, actually, because they're so soft on the inside.

Shhhh. Just don't tell anyone.

pdore said...

I thought you swore that you would never tell people that!!! J/K!
Another great post Ryan! Keep up the good work!!

Chris said...

Joyce took my chris account

Anonymous said...

- Ah, Ry's secret alter ego is out. What you don't know, that she didn't say, is that she dresses like a streetwalker, tucks her arm into her shirt, and tries to pick up extra gift cards as an armless parking lot chick!

Bell said...

"...What you don't know, that she didn't say, is that she dresses like a streetwalker, tucks her arm into her shirt, and tries to pick up extra gift cards as an armless parking lot chick!..."

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!