Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Funny Things Kids Say

Pinky has been discovering new things she’s able to do daily since her surgery. Usually these discoveries are good things like being able to hear me talk to her, even when she’s in the next room (she has supersonic hearing now!) This morning however, she discovered she could not only hear people around her but also people in her own head. She asked me this morning where Elle was and when I informed her Elle had left for school hours ago her response was “I keep hearing Elle talk to me in my head. I don’t want to go back to the surgery doctor because he’s freakin’ me out; he made people talk in my head!”

While Pinky is busy learning about life around her, Elle is learning how to effectively use wit and sarcasm in conversation. She’s getting pretty good too. Yesterday she asked me something, I can’t even recall what it was but my answer was a sarcastic one. Her response was an eye roll followed with “Thanks for that kind response, it was much appreciated…” LOL


Joyce said...

ahahaha- I love wit and sarcasm!

Bell said...

What?!? in OUR family? Impossible.